Saturday, February 18, 2012


A magical bottle that has survived through the ages. It can store healing water and runes.

Gold Price:          600

Bought From:    Ancient of Wonders

Usage:                  Regenerate (active)
Rune Capture (active)
Refills to 3/3 full when you are near the fountain

Requirements:  N/A

Notes:                  Regenerate
                                Restores 135 HP and 70 Mana over 3 seconds
 Effect ends if you take damage
 When used, 3/3 full Bottle changes to 2/3 full, 2/3 Bottle changes to 1/3 full, and 1/3 full Bottle changes to Empty Bottle
 Cannot be used when Bottle is empty
 Has a 0.5 second cooldown

                                Rune Capture
 Stores the target rune in the Bottle, the rune can be used by using the Bottle
 When a rune is used from the Bottle, the Bottle is refilled to 3/3 full
 Stored runes are automatically used after 120 seconds
 Can only be used when Bottle is empty
 Bottle is not drop-able when it has a rune stored

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